Hip Mobility Series – Part 5
Three Way Hip Flexion With Capsule Release
Three Way Hip Flexion With Capsule Release:
1. Start by anchoring a heavy resistance band at ankle height and wrap the loop around your left leg up as high as it can go toward your hip.2. Face away from the band with a staggered step stance with your left leg in front.
📣This way the band is pulling hard on your left hip backward, thus opening your left hip capsule and reducing impingement when in hip flexion.3. Bend down forward by hinging at your hips to reach your hands out to the ground about 6-12inches in front of your left foot.4. Bend your left knee and then straighten it as much as possible while you keep your hands on the ground. Hold with a straight leg for about 2 seconds then repeat the bend and straighten again. (Do this 10-15 times)5. Now bend your left leg and straighten it again, but this time every time you straighten it, you’ll twist your torso and walk your hands out toward and over your left leg. (Do this 10-15 times)6. Finally, you’ll continue the bend and straighten motion with your left leg, but every time you straighten it, you’ll twist your torso and walk your hands away from your left leg. (Do this 10-15 times)7. Switch the resistance band to your right leg and repeat all positions again.