Stretch Of The Week – Neck Flexor Rolling

Neck Flexor Rolling


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Neck Flexor Rolling

The Neck Flexor #Rolling will focus on relieving muscle tension throughout all of your scalene muscles as well as a bit of your upper traps, shoulder rotators, and levator scapulae. This will allow your shoulders and neck to relax and become more mobile, and improve your neck posture, removing that forward leaning head and rounded shoulders that many people have. 😬

The neck houses the most joint and muscle receptors in our body relative to its size. These receptors send messages to our brain that include not only pain but also the awareness of our position in space as well as our balance. They control postural sense regarding head position, lumbar curve, pelvic tilt and even foot strike. Correct flexibility of the neck is essential for optimal functioning in all of these areas. All rather important things for ALL ATHLETES, as well as ANYBODY in everyday life!


  1. Start by placing a lacrosse ball or another small ball right in the soft tissue area above your clavicle and first rib of your right side.
  2. Get into a position to lean that ball against a wall or door jam, leaving room for internal and external rotations of your arm.
  3. Apply heavy pressure against the ball against the wall to tac the posterior scalene muscle in place.
  4. Then perform bent arm internal and external rotations with your right arm for 15-25 repetitions.
  5. Now move your right arm back behind you holding in internal rotation with the back of your right hand placed on your lower back. (Hold for 15 seconds)
  6. Finally if you are up for it grab your right arm with your left hand and lift it behind you up and down for 15-25 repetitions for an even deeper stretch and massage.
  7. Repeat all steps again with ball against your left side.

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